Hair loss is never a funny thing, ask any women that's going through it. It is embarrsing for many, and some are self- conscious when it comes to speaking about their condition.
Sunday March 27th, Chris Rock ; who is a comedian made a joke about Jada Smith's hair loss and Will Smith slapped him while on national television during the #Oscars Jada shared with her follwers on social media about her hair loss that she had been battling it. It was a brave thing for her to do; instead of hiding underneath a wig, she wants to show off her new look. Rocking her hair clean and bald. Just as she is building her confidence, here comes the jokes from the media, and now Chris Rock.
It's never a joking matter when someone's looks, or loss of hair makes them feel helpless, or no longer beautfiul. Women who are experiencing hair loss are all going through it emotionally. Therefore, we need to be an emotional support systems for these women, instead of tearing them down.
So, heres three ways you can support a women who's going through hair loss:
1. Listen to her: really listen to how loosing her hair makes her feel.
2. Help her in her transtition by giving her a gift card, or book her an appointment to see her Dermatologist, Hair Loss Practitioner, or Thrichologist.
3. Remind her daily of how beautiful she is regardless of her hair situation.
Let's build her up , and not tear her down...Or you can get slapped too!
For more infornmation regarding help for your hair loss:
Contact Judy Carasco, HLP
Book your Hair Loss Consultation :
Follow on Instagram: @Judythehealthyhairspeaker
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